Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Manny Ramirez, Meet My Fist

Manny Ramirez, world class douche, turned down a one year $25 million contract offer from the Dodgers. Part of the reason is because he wants a multi-year deal...but then it's mostly money...because they already offered him a 3-year/$60million deal. And Lord knows in today's economy, $20million a year just isn't enough to live on. I can see why he turned it down.

It must be nice to be in a position where you can turn down $25million to do your job 30% of the time. What exactly do baseball players do to deserve that much money? It's ridiculous! I mean, all of professional sports has gotten out of hand with the pay days, but baseball is the worst offender. $25million for a year of playing a game? Really? Half the time they're sitting on a bench or picking grass in the outfield. I can do that! And I won't turn down a $25million offer either! So, you know, Dodgers...go ahead and give me a call. Granted, I won't be able to pull off the hitting the ball 30% of the time thing...unless they pitch underhand...if we can arrange that, we're all set. Maybe I could be a pinch runner. I'll take a pay cut.

People like Manny Ramirez need to be slapped across the face with a trout. Lazy, greedy, egomaniacal bastards. That's all they are. Jerks.

Darn. I hate when I stay on topic the entire time...