If you are not familiar with the current Windows ads, you're missing out. Go to youtube and look some up. I'll wait....
Are you back? Fantastic. The idea is these people, presumably working for Microsoft, will give you your money back if you find a computer that suits your needs for under $2000. The first stop is always the Apple store. And the person looking says some stupid thing about macs like "to me, macs are more about aesthetics than they are computing power". And then the people at home say "he's right. they look nice but since it's on TV, they must not run very fast". False. The fact of the matter is that since the early days of man, Macs have used their processing power and memory in a more efficient manner than Windows based PCs ever have. So when the TV says "oh the mac only comes with 2GB of ram. this HP has 4 gigs." you can pretty much ignore them. In case you were wondering, Windows Vista is such a clunky operating system that the minimum requirements for running most any program on it is 1.5GB of ram. On Windows XP you can run the same program just as fast with 768mb of ram. Wait a minute...doesn't that mean Vista is twice as slow? Yes. However, this isn't an XP vs. Vista blog. So I digress.
I've worked in the music business. Professional level studio as you probably know since I imagine only people I know read this...and I'm making my way over to film. And let me tell you something. At no point do they ever say "Gee, I wish I had a PC instead of this awesome mac!" And do you know why? Because macs were built with the entertainment industry in mind. Whether it be graphics, film, music...whatever. They were thinking of us. And that's why the "macs are more about aesthetics than computing power" theory doesn't hold up.
I'll tell you another secret. I'm on a PC right now. I run pro tools on a PC with 4gb of ram. When I was running it on Vista, it crashed every five minutes. Now that I'm back to XP, it runs much smoother, but it still has moments where it can barely stand to playback basic audio. It's just how the two machines are constructed. Macs are scientifically better and faster. You can't argue that. PCs have been the dominant force for so long that people are willing to go along with it.
You can find yourself an HP for under $2000 and we'll see how happy you are with the results. Not only are you buying yourself a death trap with Windows Vista (because XP is no longer an option. Because Microsoft got smart and said "hey. we screwed this operating system up. but if it's the only option, I bet we'll sell a lot more copies!") but it's a friggen HP computer. Just give me the $2000 and I'll give you a nice paperweight. Or I could build you that amazing computer you want for half of what it would cost you in a store and I'll keep the rest for myself. Either way I make a nice profit. Then I'll go out and buy myself a new mac with your money. And in a year when you come back to me to build you a new computer I'll show you my sweet mac that is still running like the day I bought it. Oh and did I mention it's virus free? How's the PC treating you?
The moral of the story is, don't listen to your TV. I own both versions of the Personal Computer, I've worked on a professional level with both versions...and I'm here to tell you that a Mac is better on so many levels. The people that make those commercials don't know what they're talking about. Well, they do know what they're talking about because they're paid by Microsoft...so they kind of are contractually obligated to tell you that PCs are better than Macs. I used to swear I would never be a Mac guy. I thought they were stupid. Now who's stupid? Oh it's you because you have an HP. SNAP!!!
Can I just add something completely unrelated? Of course I can. It's my blog! I just ran a spell check and about half a dozen words came up as being mispelled. When I went to correct the spelling, the suggestion was exactly what I had spelled. To verify, I clicked on the recommendation and watched as the word I spelled did not change. Congratulations, Blogger.com, you have just added yourself to my list of stupid entities.
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